“The Ra- Ma-Lhuk”Word Game

23 Oct

As promised in my previous post, here are the rules and details of the “Ra-Ma- Lhuk” word game.

Just like any other game, this game also has 3 levels.

Basic Level:  this is to  be played in small groups and for a  short period like a weekend get together.(Like we did in this video)

Rule of the game  – For every Non- Tibetan word used in the conversation, the player earns  one “Mani” and after they earn  5 “Mani”, the team decides the punishment – we made our player dance to Gangnam style  and share jokes.

The Intermediate Level: This is to be played with  at least two( if not all) of your family members that you interact daily and there is no time period for this game. You are suppose to speak  only in Tibetan at all times and each one keeps a record of the total “Mani” earned for every non- Tibetan word used .And at the end of  each month, you  can convert those “Mani”to  “Money” and donate it to a charitable organization of your choice (This is just a suggestion, feel free to do what you think is best.)This game will proceed to the next level when you don’t earn a single “Mani” in a month. You are on your road to the  Advanced level.

The Advanced level : Here ,there is only ONE player and that is YOU. You  play with the rest of the Tibetan you come across in your daily life. You are suppose to listen carefully and find any non- Tibetan words used by the other person.You will earn  one “Mani” for every word that you spot and correct with  a Tibetan word. At the end of each month,you will recite the real   “OM MANI  PADME HUM” for every single “Mani” that you earned and  teach this game to 5 friends. You continue this game and come out as  the Champion when you don’t find anyone to correct and every single Tibetan you meet speak  Tibetan fluently without borrowing word from any other language.

This is me and my friends playing  the  basic level “Ra-ma-lhuk” word game .

One Response to ““The Ra- Ma-Lhuk”Word Game”

  1. Chimy October 29, 2012 at 20:10 #

    Lol.. It was hilarious. Love it chime!!

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